Monday, June 1, 2009

Magazine Reflection 3

What did you learn?
I feel my writing has improved mostly by making my message clear at the start of my writing. I focused on emphasizing on the "so what" aspect, because I feel that idea is what I am usually lacking in my writing. I wanted my writing to have a point, that was easy to relate to, interesting and clear. I learned that by using personal narratives, which I chose to do for my writing, this was easy for me to accomplish. It was better writing because my writing had a purpose, rather than a bunch of words formed together to create a sentence. I learned how important and useful critiques can be, if you use them to your highest advantage. Although you don't have to do exactly what the critiques say every time, you can use them as a place to revise and edit.

How did you learn it?
I learned new things by applying as much of what I already knew, to what I was beginning to learn. I learned what my strengths and areas of improvement are, and did what I needed to improve in all areas. I learned it by drafting and revising, editing, and constantly looking over my work. Writing skills isn't something you learn by understanding the concepts, it's something you learn by practicing and applying your skills.

Why is this important?
Writing skills are essential for any job. Although I personally want to pursue a career in journalism, knowing this basic skills I could apply them to anything. It is important to know how to be able to find your strengths and your weakness, and to learn how to work towards your weaker areas.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Magazine Reflection part 2

1. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what improved? How did it get better? Why?

Throughout this entire project, from the early stages of writing, to the advanced stages of copy editing and layout, I feel my writing has improved mostly by making my message clearer. I focused on emphasizing on the "so what" aspect, because I feel that idea is what I am usually lacking in my writing. I wanted my writing to have a point, that was easy to relate to, interesting and clear. I learned that by using personal narratives, which I chose to do for my writing, this was easy for me to accomplish. It was better writing because my writing had a purpose, rather than a bunch of words formed together to create a sentence.

2. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what still needs work? What do you think will help you improve? Why?

Although I feel that I improved in all aspects of my writing, one way I could further improve would be to fix my sentences in more than one way, each time. For example, instead of taking three drafts to find the -ing words, turn my writing from pancakes to concerts, and use the third draft to add verbs, I would like to be able to turn my sentences into all three of those things, in one or two drafts. By doing this I feel that my sentences will be stronger, and my "so what" point will become clearer. I won't be changing the message and sentence structure in every revision.

3. Specifically, show us something that improved and describe the path it took to get better. You can quote your article, your drafts, link to evidence, etc.

I worked towards making my writing stronger, with the words I chose, the structure of my writing, and the overall message. The thing I focused on specifically, was my -ing words. I changed sentences like, " I wanted to know if I am better at working with a group or working individually within a group," to sentences like " I wanted to know if I am a better worker with a group or individually." This helped condense my writing, simplify it, and say my messages sooner. I started manipulating this sentence by changing "working" to " better worker." Once I did that, I felt like I was very repetitive, and that my sentence ended weak. "Working with a group or working individually within a group," How can I make this part better? I realized that I didn't need the last within a group. Overall, once I made all of my changes, I felt my sentence improved in the three main aspects I was looking for.

4. Describe something specific (or a few things!) that you learned about writing.

Before this project, I didn't realize how powerful my writing could be if I didn't use -ing words. I used them frequently, and as a way to minimize the number of words I used, thinking this would make my writing simpler. To me, it sounded better to say, " She was outside playing," rather than " She went outside to play." At first I personally didn't see the difference, but once I changed all my -ing words, and reread my sentences and paragraphs, I noticed it made my sentences and meaning stronger. I also noticed this changed my writing from pancakes to concerts, which I wasn't hoping to do till my next draft. This provided an example for me to use when I changed my other sentences to start and and strong.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ampersand: The Magazine

1. What went well for you during the process of creating this magazine?

Throughout this entire process, I was aware of my deadlines and the amount of work I knew I had to do. Because of this I was always prepared in advance. This enabled me to help my classmates if they needed the help. I was able to use all of my resources, such as the other teachers that came into class, to further the quality of my work. I was always asking for ideas, sharing my own, and taking their ideas into my own perspective. Instead of doing exactly what they told me to do, I modified it, starting with their idea, and ending with something that also shows my ideas.

2. What challenges did you face as you moved from an early draft or idea to a final product?

At the beginning, I knew I wanted to submit my internship mentor interview. The problem was, my interview was 8 pages long, and I was having a hard time condensing it so that it still made sense. Instead of subtracting parts, I decided to start all over and submit a different article. It took me a while to think of something to write about, but once I had an idea to do a personal narrative, it was clear to me what I should write about.

3. What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?

I based most of my layout, and writing skills off of published work that I saw. I read many magazines and catalogs, such as National Geographic and Anthropolgie catalog, to see how they balanced their words and pictures. Also, I used Unboxed, the HTH graduate school's publication, as an example as well, because it was easy to get my questions answered.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Internship Immersion Photo Essay

Throughout my internship immersion at Katz and Associates, a public relations agency focusing on government projects, I’ve learned more in detail about their core values within the work that they do; Communication, Public Outreach, Media, Environmental Concerns, and Striving for Success.

My experience during internship changed the way I view the world, and the way I see things. Working on various projects gave me a different perspective on issues throughout San Diego County. I am more educated on different issues we should be concerned with, more aware of the diverse areas within the communities, and more motivated to work towards a better San Diego. I shared my knowledge of what I know to other co-workers within my office through my experiences, and what I have learned at High Tech High Media Arts. I was also given an opportunity to share my opinion with one of our clients about what I feel works best, not as a Public Relations intern, but as a member of San Diego. I brought different ideas on ways to communicate to large amounts of people, particularly using social media as an effective way of communication. Since I’m not as familiar with the typical public relation ways, I gave a clear point of view to ensure clarity, precision and efficiency.

A lot of the work that is done involves communication with the public, either through letters, door hangers, phone calls, printed or emailed newsletters, or attending public meetings. It’s important to be organized with your contact information and with your excel spreadsheet. I learned quickly how important it is to be confident while speaking on the phone. You need to be direct, speak loud and clearly so that your message can be delivered efficiently. Sometimes you have only a moment of their time, and making sure your message is understood, and you leave an impact on them, and hope they understand the importance of what you’re saying. It is also essential to show sincerity within community concerns. Doing your best to address community concerns will result in a successful project.

With hard work comes rewards and recognition. Although you start a project not intending to be given an award, receiving such recognition is a way of judging your success. The clarity, efficiency, number of complaints, and satisfaction of your clients are all measures of success. In public relations, there isn’t always a final product, making it hard to measure the success of your effort and work. Working with the media is crucial in promoting your project. You want the new stations, radio, websites, and newspapers to help promote and raise awareness of the issues being tackled. Using these resources can help. The media can also be a burden rather than assisting during a project. False reports can influences the opinions and choices being made. Specific ways to get around this burden is to publish the information yourself, write your own news story, or contact the media to share your issue.

Being environmentally friendly, and choosing environmentally friendly options such as using soy ink, recycled paper and wind powered machines for paper handouts, and mailers is a way to increase environmental efficiency. Simple tasks like printing double sided, using the backsides of used paper for note taking, and emailing meeting agendas instead of printing them are all trouble-free ways that overtime help improve the quality of our environment. When dealing with large quantities of handouts, by decreasing a three-page handout to a two-page handout can sometimes save hundreds of pieces of paper. Most of the projects are involved with protecting our environment. I worked on projects working to raise the size of dams to increase the amount of water San Diego can accommodate, and to repair water main pipes to avoid disasters. Realizing how important our environment is, and doing what we can now to protect our environment will help us in the future.

“No matter what the situation or crisis is today, you are going to survive it, and next year it will be in the past. You can’t take your job so seriously that it’s consuming you. You have a life as well and that is important,” says Joseph Charest, an associate who has been involved in Public Relations for over 30 years. Balancing your time while working on different projects is crucial. There are many directions to turn when working on a project. To create the best final product, and to accomplish your goals, map out the different areas and paths that may be taken. Figure out the best way to balance your time, and your efforts. Move on from each project, learn from your mistakes, and use your knowledge to accomplish new projects.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What I am bringing to the Magazine

1. What article(s) would you like to write for the magazine? What photography could you contribute? Art? List three different ideas for your major contribution.

- My Internship Interview. I was really proud of the way my interview turned out, I was able to condense it into a manageable and easy to read and understand piece of writing. I really like question choices and the answers I was given.

- Captions from my photo essay. I could use just the captions from my photo essay as paragraphs of what I learned and how I learned it. Since my captions aren't directly related to my images, and could be self standing, these paragraphs could be a good description of what I learned.

- A single image of my photo essay. I could incorporate one image that was used from my photo essay to provide balance to the words on my spreadsheets.

2. Possible titles:

- Internships: Experiencing work within a students life.

3. Suggest a topic for an article that you were personally like to read in a magazine inspired by the internship semester.

I would personally like to read about personal experiences my classmates have had at their internships. Every internship is different and unique, and were not able to see all of the interesting things that happen at each site. The more personal, and the more we describe our experiences of each article, the more unique and interesting our magazine will be as a whole. Each article will be different, and provide a different perspective.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Internship Immersion

How could immersion impact your experience as a student?

Internship immersion completely changed my view on internship. I went from thinking of internship as a task to do twice a week, another class, and another assignment, to something that was a major part of my life. It became something that I planned for, and it changed the way I prepared for the day and the things that I thought about. I had to add time for traffic, to look professional, and make sure I didn't overbook any meetings. As a student, all I thought about was getting to school on time, and completing all of my homework. I didn't plan as much as I did during immersion. Since the hours were different all the time, and I would be going to internship in different locations, I had to plan ahead and know what time, where, what I was doing, and how long I was going to be there beforehand.

At internship, I was expected to always be professional, but I felt I had to be even more professional because I was a high school student. I had to earn their respect, and show them that I can produce high quality pieces of work. Internship Immersion was the perfect chance for me to do that. I was given more projects to work on, which means I had to organize and balance my time, and be aware of all of the deadlines, and also plan ahead for unsuspected tasks that may come my way. By showing everyone that I was capable of doing this, they were able to see what kind of student, as well as what kind of worker I am.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Internship Imersion

1. What are you most excited about in regards to your immersion experience? Why do you feel this way?
I'm excited to be at internship for a longer amount of time. I'm going to be given the opportunity to attend meetings that I wouldn't have been able to, and attend more brainstorming sessions. I will also be able to work on different projects which I enjoy very much. I'll be able to connect more with my mentor and other employees at my internship. Since I'm not there for very long, and everyone is in the office at different times, I don't know everyone, or what they do.

2. What are you most concerned about (what causes the most stress) regarding immersion? Why do you feel this way?
I'm most concerned about not having enough interesting tasks to do, and since I have a lot of time there, I will be stuck doing jobs I don't want to do. I've been very fortunate with my internship to do a lot of projects that benefit other jobs, and tasks that aren't tedious tasks. I've done a lot of writing, and research. I'm concerned that since I will be there for so long, I might get bored. Seven hours a day is a long time to be at internship. I really enjoy being at internship and because it's so much time, I'm worried I will loose interest in it.