Monday, February 16, 2009

Charles Darwin and Modern Day Science

Charles Darwin,
an avid scientist and thinker. He is best known for this theories behind "Origin." The responsibilities we have as humanities students for the understanding of science is all responsibilities. As the next generation, we need to retest old theories and write new theories, so the evolution of our society can continue to grow. We have the responsibility for making connections within new and old discoveries, for testing new theories and for connecting them to modern society. Scientific inquiry should play an important role in society. The more we question, the more we can research, the more we can know. Science is used a lot throughout history, to cure diseases, to make nuclear weapons and much more. Without out science, we would not know about the galaxy and our solar system, the human body and much more. We should use science to influence our decisions, laws, and culture by learning from what we already know, and using science to fast forward through the brainstorming faze. The more we can use science, the more we understand the problem at hand, and we can make decisions and laws to go around it.

JUDSON, OLIVIA. "Op-Ed Contributor - The Origin of Darwin -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 11 Feb. 2009. 15 Feb. 2009 .

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